Scientific Literature
Weight-bearing CT of joints can provide important new clinical information in musculoskeletal radiology. (AJR, Vol 200, Number 1)
Weight-bearing CT of joints can provide important new clinical information in musculoskeletal radiology. (AJR, Vol 200, Number 1)
CubeVue software provides powerful visualization tools to enhance patient care. Scroll through the complete volumetric data and build 3D renderings and standard X-Ray views in minutes.
The Weight-Bearing CT Society held its latest Scientific Meeting in Las Vegas this past March during the AAOS 2019 conference. Co-sponsored by CurveBeam, the Scientific Meeting featured an education-packed agenda to discuss the…
On this month’s edition of CurveBeam Connect, Vinti Singh, Director of Marketing at CurveBeam interviews Alexej Barg, M.D., an orthopedic surgeon at the University of Utah. Dr. Barg specializes in the care…
Curvebeam will host an Applications and Techniques Workshop on October 4th at the 12th EFAS International Congress in Geneva, Switzerland. Dr. Arne Burssens, who recently completed a fellowship at the University of Utah in…
The Weight-Bearing CT International Study Group (WBCT ISG) will host its next scientific session during the EFAS International Congress. The session, open to all attendees, will occur on October 5…
The American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society (AOFAS) will hold its annual meeting from July 11 to July 14 in Boston, Massachusetts. The event will feature exhibits and targeted educational…
The Weight Bearing CT International Study Group promotes dialogue and collaboration on weight bearing CT research initiatives. The group is dedicated to enhancing diagnosis and understanding of weight bearing foot…
Dr. Arne Burssens, orthopedic resident at Ghent University Hospital in Flanders, Belgium, held a webinar on June 5, 2017 titled “Pitfalls in Hindfoot and Ankle Deformities Tackled by Weightbearing CT.”…
You are invited to join FOOTinnovateTM and Dr. Arne Burrssens for the webinar “Pitfalls In Hindfoot and Ankle deformities tackled by weightbearing CT” sponsored by Curvebeam. Click here to register…