Stay ahead of the Curve with Weight Bearing CT
In the world of orthopedic diagnostics, imaging plays a crucial role in identifying deformities and planning surgical interventions. Conventional radiographs and MRIs have been the standard, but they come with limitations when it comes to understanding the complex, three-dimensional structure…
Measuring Leg Alignment in the Axial Plane with Weight Bearing CT
At the International Weight Bearing CT Society (WBCT) session during the 2024 European Foot & Ankle Society congress in Brussels, Andy Goldberg, OBE, a foot and ankle orthopedic surgeon at The Wellington Hospital in London, England discussed the rotational alignment…
Comparative Analysis of Structural Differences in Progressive Collapsing Foot Deformity With and Without Hallux Valgus
Key Points: Weight Bearing CT (WBCT) helps visualize several structural and alignment differences between Progressive Collapsing Foot Deformity (PCFD) with and without Hallux Valgus (HV). Rotation of the first tarsometatarsal joint, and intrinsic rotation of the first metatarsal bone were…
Cadaveric Diagnostic Study of Subtle Syndesmotic Instability Using a 3-Dimensional Weight Bearing CT Distance Mapping Algorithm
Key Points: Imaging modalities such as plain radiographs (X-Ray), computed tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), don’t have the diagnostic accuracy needed to detect syndesmotic widening or subtle instability. Weight Bearing CT (WBCT) imaging when combined with a distance…
Understanding Foot & Ankle Alignment After Total Ankle Arthroplasty Using WBCT
At the International Weight Bearing CT Society (WBCT) session during the 2024 European Foot & Ankle Society congress in Brussels, Federico Usuelli, MD, a foot and ankle orthopedic surgeon at Humanitas San Pio X in Milan, Italy, discussed the adoption…
Transforming Bunion Assessment with Weight Bearing CT
By Dr. David Soomekh, DPM Foot and ankle specialist and surgeon, sports medicine & reconstructive foot and ankle surgery, Foot & Ankle Specialty Group, Beverly Hills, CA
Congruent Weber-B Ankle Fractures Do Not Alter Tibiotalar Contact Mechanics
Key Points: Weight Bearing CT (WBCT) provides critical data otherwise missed in weight bearing radiographs when trying to understand the true impact of a fracture on joint stability. Computational biomechanics, when paired with bilateral WBCT imaging, provides a better understanding…