New Study: pedCAT Allows for More Accurate Bone Angle Measurements than Radiographs or CT
Surgeons Weigh In: Top Indications for WBCT: Part 5
Weight bearing CT (WBCT) imaging has fundamentally changed the evaluation and management of foot and ankle disorders such as hallux valgus, progressive collapsing foot disorder (PCFD), ankle instability, and traumatic…
Surgeons Weigh In: Top Indications for WBCT: Part 3
Weight bearing CT (WBCT) imaging has fundamentally changed the evaluation and management of foot and ankle disorders such as hallux valgus, progressive collapsing foot disorder (PCFD), ankle instability, and traumatic…
Surgeons Weigh In: Top Indications for WBCT Part 2
Weight bearing CT (WBCT) imaging has fundamentally changed the evaluation and management of foot and ankle disorders such as hallux valgus, progressive collapsing foot disorder (PCFD), ankle instability, and traumatic…
Surgeons Weigh In: Top Indications for WBCT
Weight bearing CT (WBCT) imaging has fundamentally changed the evaluation and management of foot and ankle disorders such as hallux valgus, progressive collapsing foot disorder (PCFD), ankle instability, and traumatic…
CurveBeam AI’s AI-Powered Foot & Ankle Measurements Have Good Reliability Compared to Manual Methods
Dr. Prof. Martinus Richter et al published a study in the March 2024 issue of Foot & Ankle Surgery. The team of researchers compared manually measured angles of the bones…
CONFERENCE: DAF Congress 2021
The Deutschen Assooziation fur Fuss und Sprunggelenk (DAF), originally scheduled for April 15-16, 2021, took place November 18-19, 2021. The theme for that year's conference is "Feet and Sport -…
Agenda Posted & New Time: 2nd International WBCT Society Virtual Meeting
On Jan. 16, 2021, the International Weight Bearing CT Society will host its second virtual meeting, which will feature invited talks and research submitted via the Society’s call for abstracts.…
Virtual Event: EFAS Congress
CurveBeam is a virtual sponsor of the upcoming European Foot & Ankle Society Virtual Congress, which will take place Friday, Oct. 23 and Saturday, Oct. 24 at Weight-Bearing CT…